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Graduate School of Corporate Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration


Full-cycle business school

offering Bachelor’s, Master’s, MBA, EMBA, DBA, Presidential, continuing professional development programs


The School is accredited by international and national associations of business education (AMBA: UK, ACBSP: USA, NASDOBR: Russia)


28 years of training in European Management and successful implementation of its principles in Russian and EAEU companies

International projects

International modules in Europe and Asia, double degree and student exchange programs, foreign lecturers, immersion modules in Russia for foreign students

Top positions in rankings

Programs offered by GSCM RANEPA are included in Eduniversal global ranking (France) and MBA.SU Russian Ranking

Corporate training and consulting

Over 100 projects successfully implemented in Russian and EAEU companies

Scientific research and publishing activities

Our publications include more than 50 books and monographs written by our faculty and students and 16 unique Russian-German textbooks in management and marketing. In the last 5 years, more than 300 research articles have been published. Over 25 students and alumni have successfully defended their PhD theses

Alumni Association

Platform for studies and networking connecting over 15000 members

History of GSCM

The School's concept was based on the traditions of the leading national universities and the global best practices in business education.

Universities that inspired and influenced GSCM:

National universities:

  • The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

International universities:

  • AFW Wirtschaftsakademie (Bad Harzburg, Germany)
  • IESE Business School of the University of Navarra (Barcelona, Spain)
  • School of Business of York University (Toronto, Canada)

GSCM RANEPA, as a business school, was started in the form of the Euromanagement International Training and Consulting Center, a standalone department of RANEPA. This coincided with the formation of the new Russia and the emergency of market economy. The School has developed and successfully launched its pioneer professional retraining programs and a Euromanagement-MBA program for executives. These programs were solving the vital task of training executives of the former state-owned companies after privatization, as well as entrepreneurs who were starting their businesses in the new market rules. Rapid evolution and great success of the programs allowed the Academy to rename the Center as the Graduate School of Corporate Management.

The lack of necessary business literature in Russia prompted us to publish a series of translated and self-written textbooks «The ABC of Business» with a circulation of over 200,000 thousand copies. We developed innovative learning materials, which were later on turned into a set of 16 «Euromanagement for Russia» textbooks. Even though international cooperation in the field of education was still an exotic thing back then, we regularly organized international seminars for our students in Canada, USA, Australia, France, and invited lecturers from the world’s leading universities.

GSCM RANEPA originated from corporate programs for executives and employees. That is why we are strongly tied to the business community and have a large number of teaching practitioners.
GSCM RANEPA has always positioned itself as a business school for a broad spectrum of entrepreneurs and executives from all regions of Russia and EAEU member states, rather than a narrow circle of the elite. Many regions lacked qualified executives to run state-owned and private companies. Such strategy helped the School find its niche in the business education market.

Today, GSCM RANEPA is one of Russia’s leading business schools

The School offers a full range of advanced business education programs – from Bachelor’s to DBA.

Our alumni, who are over 15,000 people by now, work in almost all industries and regions of Russia, EAEU member states, as well as other countries, such as USA, Canada, China, Germany, Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Israel, Czech Republic.

Aspire not just to achieve outstanding success in business, but also make your whole life meaningful.
Leonid Naumenko
DBA Student

Euromanagement Program

In 1996, GSCM RANEPA partnered with AFW Wirtschaftsakademie (Bad Harzburg, Germany). Our 25 years of fruitful collaboration resulted in 16 Russian-German courses in soft management and marketing available both in the face-to-face and distance-learning format. We translated the unique learning materials and brought them in sync with Russian business realities. The Euromanagement model based on delegation of authority, collegial collaboration and a combination of freedom and managerial order still lies at the core of GSCM RANEPA’s philosophy. Studies of this management model are integrated into all programs offered by the School – from Bachelor’s to DBA. The Euromanagement module is a visiting card and a hallmark of GSCM RANEPA. All MBA students who successfully complete the Euromanagement program obtain the Harzburg Diploma of AFW Academy. EMBA students have a mandatory international module in Germany and obtain the German diploma "Euromanager".

In total, over 1,000 students of GSCM RANEPA’s business education programs completed an additional module in Germany and studied the best practices of German companies that are champions in their respective industries (Volkswagen, Bosch, Aldi, Jägermeister, etc.). The knowledge acquired by our students in the process of studies is immediately transformed into practice, thus allowing them to improve their personal performance and raise the effectiveness of employee management. Many executives, especially those who completed corporate training programs, managed to fully implement the European management model in their companies, which has led to a significant increase in labour productivity, the evolution of innovations and the high financial performance of the business.

Companies and governmental agencies that have completed our Euromanagement program

RF Ministry of Economic Development

Федеральный орган исполнительной власти, осуществляющий функции по выработке и реализации экономической политики Правительства России по ряду направлений.

MINPROMTORG (RF Ministry of Industry and Trade)

Федеральный орган исполнительной власти России, осуществляющий функции по выработке государственной политики и нормативно-правовому регулированию в сфере промышленного и оборонно-промышленного комплекса, а также в области развития авиационной техники, технического регулирования и обеспечения единства измерений.


Государственный холдинг, объединяющий более 400 предприятий атомной отрасли.


Научный центр ПАО «Газпром» в области обоснования региональной энергетической политики, газификации, распределения и использования газа, освоения ресурсов метана угольных пластов и малых месторождений углеводородного сырья.

ОАО «Российские железные дороги»

Государственная компания, владелец инфраструктуры общего пользования и крупнейший перевозчик российской сети железных дорог. Образовано в 2003 году на базе Министерства путей сообщения России. 100 % акций принадлежат Правительству России.

Московская городская телефонная сеть

Телекоммуникационная компания предоставляющая услуги широкополосного доступа в Интернет, цифрового телевидения, мобильной связи, местной телефонной связи, видеонаблюдения, охранной сигнализации и другие на территории Москвы и Московской области.

EuroChem Group AG

Офшорная швейцарская химическая компания, основные производственные активы которой расположены в России, Казахстане, Бельгии и Литве. Крупнейший в России производитель минеральных удобрений.


Производитель дизельных грузовых автомобилей и дизелей, действующий с 1976 года. Также выпускает автобусы, тракторы, комбайны, электроагрегаты, тепловые мини-электростанции и комплектующие.


Телекоммуникационная компания, оказывающая услуги в России и странах ЕАЭС под торговой маркой «МТС».


Авиастроительное предприятие в городе Комсомольске-на-Амуре. Производитель самолётов марки «Су», ведущее производственное предприятие Авиационной холдинговой компании «Сухой».


Компания полного цикла с функциями застройщика, проектировщика, технического заказчика, генерального подрядчика, риэлтора и эксплуатации введенных объектов.

Группа НЛМК

Международная сталелитейная компания с активами в России, США и странах Европы. Основной актив Группы — Новолипецкий металлургический комбинат.


Единая фармацевтическая информационная система.

VARTA Autobatterie GmBH

Немецкий бренд включает элементы питания для любого использования. На сегодняшний день бренд «VARTA» разделён на три части: Гальванические элементы, аккумуляторы и батарей, зарядные устройства, фонари. Это подразделение вошло в состав Американской корпорации «Spectrum Brands ».


Российский бренд классической мужской одежды, обуви и аксессуаров.

Страховой дом ВСК

Одна из системообразующих российских страховых компаний, на протяжении 7 лет входила в первые пять страховых компаний России, в настоящее время входит в десятку лидеров по сборам страховых премий, занимает 9-ое место по цитируемости в СМИ в 2018 году.

AFW Wirtschaftsakademie Bad Harzburg GmbH

Академия управления AFW основана в 1961 и известна во всем мире благодаря «Гарцбургской модели управления». Учебные модули Академии AFW встроены во все программы ВШКУ. Совместно изданы 16 книг по менеджменту и маркетингу. ВШКУ регулярно организует стажировки слушателей в Германию. Слушатели программ ВШКУ имеют возможность получить дипломы Академии AFW: «Гарцбургский диплом» и диплом «Евроменеджер».

Our Mission

Training highly efficient executives and non-managerial professionals in the field of business, management and commerce for Russia and EAEU member states by unlocking our students’ own unique potential and developing their managerial skills; introduction of the global best business practices to the companies of Russia and EAEU member states; gradual implementation of social responsibility and sustainability principles; relevant R&D activities in the field of GSCM RANEPA’s key competencies.


The emblem of the Graduate School of Corporate Management of RANEPA depicts three cypresses pointing upwards: they symbolize small, medium and large businesses that do not interfere, but contribute to each other's prosperity. Mutually beneficial cooperation and joint development is one of the key principles of the School. The shield presented on the emblem is the knowledge and skills that will serve as reliable protection and support for students in their further professional and personal life. The steps leading up are a symbol of the ascending road to success and continuity of generations. The Master's hat with tassels on the left and right symbolizes friendship and cooperation between generations: current students and graduates of the School. For this purpose, the Alumni Association was created, which unites students, graduates and faculty of the GSCM RANEPA.

To the Summit of Success Together!

Who we train

Our alumni are high-end professionals and leaders of all management levels who:

  • have a strategic vision and ensure business sustainability
  • make decisions that define and further the corporate values
  • can generate new meaningful ideas and put them into practice
  • master the delegation of authority and responsibility methodology to unlock the individual and collective creative potential and entrepreneurial spirit of their employees
  • follow the principles of social responsibility and business ethics
  • successfully work in domestic and international markets in the age of digital transformation
Prestigious and high-quality education, amazing lecturers
Maxim Bogdanov
Second year student of Bachelor’s degree program

Strategic vision

Internationally recognized business school that implements the concept of lifelong learning via a wide range of higher education and executive non-degree programs in the sphere of business, and promotes Euromanagement ideas and principles in Russia and EAEU member states

Key areas of focus

Diversification (product and geographical) of GSCM RANEPA’s product range

Integration of GSCM RANEPA into the global educational environment, development of double degree programs in partnership with Europe and Asia

Obtaining prestigious international accreditations and top positions in rankings

Introduction of innovations and digital technologies to the educational process, improvement of Lifelong Learning system

Continuing professional development of the faculty, with a view to present-day requirements in the field of digital technologies, increasing the engagement of all faculty members

Strengthening research, publication and publishing activities in the areas of GSCM RANEPA’s key competencies

Expansion of interaction with the corporate world in the field of education and consulting

Scaling up offline and online activities of the Alumni Association

GSCM’s Advisory Board

Russian members:
Abel Aganbegyan,
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Board Chairman
Georgy Kleiner,
President of the International Academy of Organizational Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Viktor Nesterenko
CEO of CJSC Mosfundamentstroy-6, Honoured Builder of Russia, Ph.D. in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), MBA, DBA
Andrey Nechaev
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Russian Minister of Economy in 1992-1993
Sergey Tsikalyuk
Founder and Board Chairman of VSK Insurance House

International members:
Dietmar Borsch,
President of AFW Academy (Germany)
Zhomart Kusherbaev,
Chairman of Management Board, Union Energy Consortium (Kazakhstan), Ph.D. in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), DBA

In the era of digitalization, it is important for a manager to be able to find high-quality information for decision-making
Aigul Musagalieva
Euromanagement MBA program student

Corporate culture of GSCM RANEPA

We do not only apply the principles of delegation of authority and responsibility in the classroom and implement them at enterprises in Russia and EAEU member states, but also actively use these methods in our daily work. The evolution of GSCM RANEPA, in and of itself, is a vivid example of how one can use the delegation of authority and responsibility and outsourcing.

We welcome the best domestic and foreign professionals to our programs. Collegial cooperation, description of workplaces and processes, rational use of external resources are the key components of our corporate culture.
82, buildings 4, 5, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 119571 Moscow